Investigative Reporting: Story Ideas
Creating time for projects
- View yourself as a cook. Dailies are on the front burner, mid-range stories in the oven and long-term projects on the back burner.
- Try to spend some time each day working on each category. Don’t let projects sit without stirring them.
- Keep a running list of tasks to accomplish on your mid-range and long-term projects. When you’re waiting on phone calls or other actions for daily stories, work on those items.
Don’t forget about human sources
- People lead you to documents and documents lead you to people. Use both to “triangulate.’
- Cultivate sources regularly. Have a system for saving business cards, contacts etc.
- Spend at least some time checking out tips from sources, even those that seem unlikely to pan out.
Is it worth a project or just a daily story?
- Is the issue important? Are there real victims?
- Has the story been done before?
- Can you break new ground by obtaining records that haven’t been released?
- Will it make a good human story with characters and drama?
- What results will likely follow?
Questions to ask when you get a tip …
- Has the caller exhausted all avenues of appeal?
- Are there documents to back up the story?
- Who can you get to go on the record about the story?
- Is it just a problem for one person or possibly many?
- What is the caller’s motivation?
Coming up with good ideas
- Sources are key
- Read agendas, ask for the full packet of info that the board gets
- Routinely ask for the documents: tort claims, personnel actions etc.
- Localize big national stories
- Look for larger issues in anecdotal stories
- Create email alerts
- Use Facebook, Twitter other social media
Investigative story ideas
- Run a background check on all key public officials you cover:
- Criminal, civil issues?
- Lies on their job apps or resume?
- Public disclosure forms, campaign contributions
- Check the environmental record of major industries in your town (DEQ, EPA)
- Ask for payrolls, line-item expenditures
- Use your city’s pet license database to find favorite pet names or breeds. Or: do your city officials have their animals licensed?
- Use traffic ticket data to find members of the “100-mile-an-hour club” or to find speed traps.
- Use voter registration data to find the most faithful voters, or to find elected officials who can’t make it to the polls.
- Use day-care center inspection data to find centers most often cited.
- Use jail blotter data to find people most frequently arrested or to analyze arrests by race.
- Who is cited most often for code violations in your city?
- How often does your state environmental agency waive fines?
- Which city employee claims the most overtime?
- Who are the highest paid city (or school or county) employees?
- Examine teacher turnover, pay and experience at low-performing schools.